Its like all my female friends have synced their cycles n are dealing with the extra space available now that Aunt Flo left town. It has me thinking that I need to start a dating service for women who really need to fuck but can’t justify adding numbers because of what people would think. My guys will be so respectful, yet thorough that it will totally out shine the worse lay the girl had, effectively negating that experience. Boom, technically getting that good dick without adding to the slut meter. Thus the variable N-+1. Then if the lady in public technically wanted to lower her numbers she could order the N-1 combo package effectively negating 1 number per double stuffing of delectable cock. When asked how many men have you been with, she can answer “Technically N-1A if you don’t count oral” where A is the number of times she used the N-1 service. The idea came to me on how to help protect this endangered species of lady in public when observing them in their natural habitat. I myself was fairly lucky enough to have a double digit amount of life experiences negated by a single Lady. I can’t really remember more than a couple experiences prior to her. It’s like technically I’m at 3 now if you don’t count oral sex and priest.
I would need to start a mentoring program for men. Teach them tbe basics. Examples: The only lie you ever tell a woman is that she was the best at oral sex. Other than that be honest. I would have to contract the cougars to teach the men on how to get past a girls insecurities and fuck her confidence. Fuck her chakras back into alignment instead of just trying to fuck her teeth loose. Basic things like that plus the secrets that are passed down through the ages by the secret brotherhood.
Shit. This is America. This is totally illegal. Nvm.
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017